We apologize for the inconvenience and have listed contact information for local providers and facilities offering assessment and testing services below:
- https://carle.org/services/behavioral-health
- https://gracewaygroup.com/
- https://cuevergreen.com/
- https://www.theablecenter.com/
- https://dres.illinois.edu/home/support-services/psychological-and-neuropsychological-assessment/
- (for UIUC students only)
For Reading Assessment and Tutoring Services
Connect to Reading
(217) 621-8369
Leslie E. Sullivan, M.Ed., M.A.
Reading Science | Special Education
Reading Specialist and Interventionist
If you are a former client of INBAL and are writing to request records and/or ask follow-up questions, please email us at our more secure, encrypted address: inbal@inbal.hush.com.
Thank you.