We apologize for the inconvenience and have listed contact information for local providers and facilities offering assessment and testing services below: Resources For Reading Assessment and Tutoring Services Connect to Reading sulliles1010@gmail.com (217) 621-8369 Leslie E. Sullivan, M.Ed., M.A. Reading Science | Special Education Reading Specialist and Interventionist If you are a former client of […]
Author: rleskis@illinois.edu
The Illinois Neurobehavioral Assessment Laboratory becomes a well-respected community resource for addressing psychological issues
Launching any new enterprise is difficult. Launching it in a pandemic is even harder. Just ask Kathryn Leskis, clinical director of the Illinois Neurobehavioral Assessment Laboratory. The lab, which offers a wide range of psychological testing and evaluation, saw its first client at the end of 2019, and was on track to have a great full first […]